"Quick Hitter Food Plots"
By Alan Clemons
Research conducted at Ocmulgee Banks

Arkansas Sportsman
"Warm-Weather Deer Management"
by Tim Lilley
"Eagle Seed Company in Weiner, Arkansas, is a family-owned business that has
developed plants specifically for whitetails.  Instead of short and squatty, this company's
soybean varieties climb high, spread wide and really put out the leaves.  The protein
levels -- some leaves tallied 42% in outstanding in university trials.  Southern Illinois
University was able to get 9.6 tons of dry matter per acre, and several farmers reported
14 tons of silage per acre:  amazing numbers to say the least.

The varieties can be planted in conjuction with other crops, such as corn, or as a stand
alone crop.  The leaves will die after a few frosts, but the beans -- the plants still produce
plenty -- will continue feeding deer into the winter.  Two recognized food plot experts, Dr.
Grant Woods and Mark Buxton, say these soybeans are the most innovative new food
plot plants for whitetails in years."

North American Whitetail
"Seeds and Supplements"
by J. Guthrie
"Eagle Seed Forage Soybeans provide an amazing
amount of tonnage which provides food for deer.

"Deer want the leaves more than the beans, and you can
even mix them in with something like milo or corn to
create "runner" beans that grow up the stalks and
produce a huge volume of food, and with the Roundup
Ready corn and beans you get a two-season annual crop."

Kinkel has been consulting with a project in central
Georgia known as the Ocmulgee Banks, where he's been
testing and analyzing the Big Fellow
® RR beans.  

"I'm blown away -- some of the plots are producing 14,000
pounds of food per acre, he says.  "I've seen their crops
grow to six feet tall in poor soils.  The growth is so great
in these fields that deer are not only feeding in them, but
bedding in them as well."
"Now I think I've finally come upon the best food plot for our deer.  Eagle Forage soybeans grow twice as tall
as regular soybeans, with much larger leaves.  

Big Fellow ® RR   -- The key advantage is that these beans have a longer growing cycle before they bloom.  
Even after most soybeans bloom, these can continue growing and producing high-protein forage for deer (or
cattle) for up to six weeks longer. In fact, these soybeans grow so tall that deer will not only eat the leaves,
but they'll bed down in fields of them.  Another great advantage is that they are drought tolerant.  

Large Lad ® RR is another soybean offered by Eagle Seed.  This is the official soybean of the Mississippi
Fisheries and Wildlife Department.  It has excellent deer-browsing tolerance and can grow up to 84 inches
high.  It is also very bushy and is resistant to most foliar diseases, phytophthora root rot, stem canker and
several races of nematodes.  

One study done in Georgia on the Ocmulgee Banks Farm showed that Eagle Seed soybeans yielded seven
tons of forage per acre...this spring after I put in some Big Fellow
® RR and Large Lad ® RR soybeans I'll have
something substantially green, and high in Its bushy nature makes this an excellent choice for other protein
for the local deer to dine on when the clover dries up in early summer."

Thinking Ahead and Preparing our Food Plots
By Gerald Almy
Hunting and Fishing Editor of Sports Afield Magazine
Brian Sheppard
Quality Whitetails
Quality Deer Management Association Magazine
"Secrets to Successful Warm-Season Food Plots"
"For maximum production and palatability, nothing beats
the large-seeded legumes.  I have experimented with
many forages.  Roundup Ready Large Lad
® forage
soybeans is one of my favorites because I can grow it in a
variety of soil types."
Clemson researcher showing the Eagle
Seed Forage plots at Clemson University
conditons, front plots were mowed.
"The emphasis with a Forage soybean is on the
foliage, but they still have good bean pods," Sykes
said.  He and others recommended the soybeans
offered by Eagle Seed of Arkansas."
"Legumes (broadleaves) are the backbone of any spring food plot plantings...
EAGLE SEED SOYBEANS are forage beans that are designed to produce mass
quantities of leaves and do so very quickly once they are established.  A client of mine
had his EAGLE leaves tested last summer by a lab and they tested out at 35% crude
There is no other legume that can make those claims.  Many of the products
are also Round-Up Ready making them the go-to seed in areas where summer weeds
are a significant problem. "

North American Whitetail
"North and South Planting the Seed"
by Matt Haun; 11 Vol. 30 No. 1
Sales and

"For fall,  I would use Eagle Seed Buck Monster ® Forage
Wheat, mixed with Clover Keeper
® clover.  Amazingly the
Eagle beans are still alive after this drought."

Heath Martin
"Adaptive Management"

"In fact, Eagle's soybean line is known to produce whopper crops of soybeans, with
plants towering up to 7 feet in height, with foliage protein content itself at 35%.  The
extremely large leaves and bumper seed pod production will produce tremendous
biomass.  This variety will provide deer with a highly nutritious food source from
spring to early winter.  Many Eagle Seed soybeans are Roundup Ready and provides
a weed-free crop."

South Carolina Sportsman
"Greener Pastures:Plant New Hybrids"
By Jeff Burlison; Biologist
Copyright 2002-2019.  All Rights Reserved.  Eagle Seed Company.  |  PO Box 308 | 8496 Swan Pond Rd  |  Weiner, AR 72479  |  870-684-7377
Call 870-684-7377 to order