Use this blend if your goal is
limits of greenheads and good
times with friends.  We use this
blend to out-wit wily birds with
our calls and watch a good
retriever bring back well-shot
Call 870-684-7377 to order
Waterfowl KeeperTM  
     Born to Keep Wild
Every spring, plant Eagle Seed Waterfowl
TM around your ponds to hide your
hunters and dogs from overhead view.  
You will love Waterfowl Keeper
TM growing
around your blinds, feeding your ducks,
and bringing birds back year after year.
Give Yourself the Advantage:

Bring in ducks and geese all season long.
Make it easy to hide your duck blind, use our easy to grow blend.  We coupled our
exceptionally tall, long-grain rice with our great seed yielding medium grain rice,
buckwheat, and two strains of millet that produce food in alternating periods to DRAW

Both varieties of rice are produced in the Mississipi Flyway right next to the World
Famous Claypool Reservoir, seen in the Million Mallard photo and on ABC's Wide
World of Sports.
Call 870-684-7377 to order
Copyright 2002-2018.  All Rights Reserved.  Eagle Seed Company.  |  PO Box 308 | 8496 Swan Pond Rd  |  Weiner, AR 72479  |  870-684-7377